- Annual Tax Returns (all types)
- Business Activity Statements (GST)
- Fringe Benefit Tax Returns
- Annual Payment Summaries
- Payroll Tax
- Long Service Corporation reporting
- Capital Gains
- Worker’s Compensation
- ASIC Forms

- Tax Planning
- Management Reporting & Analysis
- Accounting Processes & Software
- Brainstorming / Advisory Sessions
- Succession Planning
- Structure Advice & Setup

Self-Managed Super
- Annual Financial Statements
- Annual Tax Return
- Tax Advice
- Administration
- Setup *
- Rollovers *
- Pension Setup *
- SMSF Audit *
- Super & Investment Advice *

- Day to Day Data Entry
- Bank Reconciliations
- Payroll Processing
- Super Guarantee
- Onsite Bookkeeping
- Offsite/Cloud Bookeeping
- Software Setup & Training
* Biel & Associates is a registered tax agent and accounting firm. We work with a professional network of licenced financial advisors, auditors and legal advisers to provide trustees with independent and appropriate advice for your individual circumstances. ABN: 57 667 450 142.
“Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation”